KarmaGirl is feeling the love (well...at least from *most* people )
I think that the next time that somebody flames me, they should take a couple precautions:1) Don't post both flames and "valid" posts from a DSL ISP in a different country that only has a block of about 1,000 IPs.2) Don't use the same password for both accounts3) Don't state in another post, on the same day, what country you are in so that once I find the IP of the flamer that it instantly makes me think of you.4) Shakespeare once said "he doth protest too much". Think about this..... It will point to you every time5) Don't underestimate me and my database. I've worked at Stardock for over 8 years.....it doesn't take me long to find out info on you (especially when it's that easy)6) Take a more subtle approach
I.R.- I now have Joan Jett's "I love rock and Roll" stuck in my head....which is OK, because I love that song