Okay, I'm getting heaps of these damn virus e-mails as a result of the latest idiot virus creation 'Doom'. However, I think I can at least help one person to realise they have the virus on their machine.

Today I got an e-mail to my PayPal donations e-mail account with a spoofed from address of 'ian @ stardock.com' (note the spaces to prevent further spread). So if you have made a donation to me in the past for my skinning work (and let's face it, that narrows it down a heck of a lot ) and also know an Ian who works at Stardock, you might want to scan your machine for the virus.

This public service has been brought to you by grayhaze.com and the letter 'V'.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 29, 2004
unfortunately its probably from someone elses address book that has you and ian's address.
on Jan 29, 2004
Erm... yes... that's actually what I was saying IR. Hmm...

The point is, it's highly unlikely that someone would accidentally have those two addresses stored on their machines unless they had previously sent mail to them, or received mail from them. Both addresses do not appear online for the casual web browser.
on Jan 29, 2004
Hi Grayhaze. Long time no see. Thanks for the warning but i have never got one yet. I haven't had but 1 email this week.
on Jan 29, 2004
Well, the other day I clicked on a link and my firewall started going off. I ran an indepth scan from AdAware and found two malicious files which I deleted. I also ran an online virus scan which came up clean. Norton is up-to-date. I keep OE closed and seldom use it, my other mail program warns me of silent messages being sent (and I also keep it closed most of the time. Since all these viri have been going on, I have started using web-based mail).

..... and I don't think I have ian's address either (but didn't the information say that the virus tries to guess addresses?).
on Jan 29, 2004
sorry grayhaze...I missed a word or two in your post...DOH!
on Jan 29, 2004

GM...'up to date' means now, not a few days ago.

This virus and its second version are bloody annoying.....my ratio of valid emails to virii is about 1 to 20 at the moment....Norton is only 9 hours old from last manual update check....scanned my system for tell-tale signs...and am clean...but someone [or more] out there is seriously dirty....

on Jan 29, 2004
Virus making will be a hate crime.


[Message Edited]
on Jan 29, 2004
1 to 20

Had that happen a few months back and had to change my email address it got so bad. I think it was in a 72hr period I got hit with upwards of 16-20 attacks. Don't exactly remember, just understand the annoyance you are now going through. Fortunately Nortons snagged them all before any got loose on my computer.

This thread is giving me the willies...going back to Norton's again ...now downloading the latest definitions
on Jan 29, 2004
The addresses are spoofed, not only that, they are guesses. I have my own domain with a catchall account. I have recieved over 50 messages to users that don't exist on my domain. I also get messages that state these same users have sent the virus on to other domains. Again, they are non-existant users. So they can't be in anyones address book, they have to of been made-up. >
[Message Edited]
on Jan 29, 2004

"Hate crime statutes are specifically designed to protect minority groups," said ACLU President Nadine Strossen. "I'm not sure the number of stupid computer users meets that criterion."


on Jan 29, 2004
GM...'up to date' means now, not a few days ago.

hehe... now, I am cumpulsive (read getting real paranoid) about it. I check every few hours! I check for updates on the firewall and AdAware too. Last I checked Norton it said I was up to date, then within two hours I caught it updating again! This thing is bad!
on Jan 29, 2004

"The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment."

Yeah, right....and I'm the Pope....

on Jan 29, 2004
Glad you said that. I updated Norton first thing this evening, just done it again and yet another 316k of updates

Not that it would matter. My ISP intercepts all viruses before they reach me, and 99% of spam too.
on Jan 29, 2004
Microsoft has now offered a big reward for whoever helps catch the author.
on Jan 29, 2004
I don't get them because I have no friends
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