Published on September 11, 2003 By grayhaze In WinCustomize Talk
I thought I'd pre-empt this discussion before Kona's comment in the other thread sparked it off there. There is concrete proof that we evolved, but no proof that we were created. What's you're opinion, and why?

To quote Phoebe from Friends: "I guess the real question is who put those fossils there and why?"
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on Sep 11, 2003
I type decides instead of besides bevause of my accent I guess... anyways it will never stop. DESIDES why should I quit?
on Sep 11, 2003
I just looked in 2 bibles. I was wrong. it is simply

on Sep 11, 2003
My Bible says "The Revelation to John".
on Sep 11, 2003

Religion/God/Faith is an entirely personal perception of what one considers to be 'true'.

Since there are something like 4 billion people on this planet it is safe to say there are also 4 billion 'truths'....each and everyone of them 'slightly' different.....each one of them equally valid.

Science, on the other hand consists of an on-going hypothesis, amended and altered/revised as and when additional data is input.

Both 'theologies' can co-exist, though it's preferable that one does not supplant the other.

Science as a religion, and Religion as a science are both equally flawed and perhaps dangerous.

With 'organised' religion we get a rallying to war...with devotion to science we get the capacity to wage that war with alacrity.

All else is just posturing, really....

on Sep 12, 2003
HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,.........I think I'll just beat a hasty retreat right here to the Chocoalate Planet thread. I was going to throw in $.02 worth of my opinion but....why? These types of arguments have been completely done to death.

Yes I believe in Evolution and yes I believe in God. We'll probably never understand God or the Universe until we EVOLVE into a higher state of being.

Sorry, couldn't resist.


Jafo what is "alacrity"?
[Message Edited]
on Sep 12, 2003
I believe in God and I believe in evolution. I believe that the Bible there is some truth in it.

Most television evangelists, especially those that perform "miracles" and "healings", are con artists just trying to get money from gullible people and the elderly. Especially the elderly fall prey to these con artists since naturally where they will be in he afterlife is on their minds a lot more.

I am not a big fan of organized religion. The scandel in the Catholic Church is a great example of what is wrong with organized religion. It would seem that if a priest abuses a child, that he would then no longer be considered a man of God and be kicked out of the organization. Instead priests have been moved church to church with hush money being paid to the family of the victims.

Another thing that bothers me in organized religion is the new left wing influence on organized religion. Now a certain lifestyle choice that scripture clearly says is wrong is being considered acceptable to some denominations. Why is it that to love the person, you have to accept their sins as normal? What is wrong with love the person but hate the sin?
on Sep 12, 2003

As I've said, I don't think I believe in God, but I'm not 100% sure. On the other hand I can tell you absolutely positively that I do not believe in religions. And I'll tell you why. There are hundreds of religions on this planet, and 4 main ones (including anemism). If there is a God, how can one be so sure that his is the true God?  The reson I say I'm not totally convinced there is no God is I can't stop thinking Billions of people can't all be wrong. There may be some truth in there somewhere. But the problem is that those billions of people don't all believe in the same thing. Which in turn brings me back to thinking that if they don't believe in the same thing, then maybe there is nothing to believe in at all after all.

Isn't it presumptuous to think that you are right, you believe in the real thing but everybody else is wrong?

on Sep 12, 2003
Religious people have a nasty tendency to either overlook and ignore other religions or say "they are wrong and I am right" and look at them in comtempt, usually the former. None of it is satisfatory ofcourse.

And Paxxy, Cro Magnon = Homo Sapiens Sapiens, ergo: we. They/we did not die out.

As for Hus: the thought that Neanderthals were unintelligent and slumped is prejudice. The current train of thought is that we as a species we're just a little bit more succesfull, which meant that over a period of thousands of years, we prospered, while they declined.
on Sep 12, 2003
Yes, craeonics. Sorry you are right. Home Sapiens Neanderthalis preceeeded Home Sapiens Sapiens, of which Cro-Magnon is indeed an early version. I guess one could say that Cro-Magnon is the beta version of the modern man.
on Sep 12, 2003
Motion, thanks for the link. I've watched two shows now on the Historical text value of the Bible and both did key on the Middle East. But they also branched off into areas before the Bible, also one of the existence of Hell which is actually a new thing added years after the beginning of Christianity.

Greeks had Hades and the Jewish faith had something else, but neither had Hell as it is known today.

One of the shows went about proving how the three Cities Kind David or Solomon was supposed to have built and someone claimed to have found could not be what they have been claimed. The gates at each which were used to make this claim happened to be addition something like 200 years after the guy was dead and the Cities had been built while he was alive (he built them).

But there is historical fact as with any Shaman's stories passed down over the ages. That was one of the key functions of tribal spiritual leaders and there was a lot of tension between their leaders and the spiritual leaders even back then.
Though, if a tribal leader screwed up he was a Man making a mistake which probably was forgiven by the people, if the Shaman screwed up there was a good chance they got dead one way or the other because they made the Gods turn their back on them.

Odd how some claimed God turned its back on the USA and allowed 9/11 to happen because of sin and such...

on Sep 12, 2003
DavidK has a blog???? Let me see!
on Sep 12, 2003
Hey I was wondering, since I have read allot of this...

Has anyone ever thought about interpetation? If the Bible is a book about evrything that happened or will happen in this place could it be possible that people interpeted it wrong?

Like the idea that all that was created was done 12,000 years ago? Or that Dinosaurs can be found in the writings?
on Sep 12, 2003
I can't believe my eyes!! Bakerstreet is here too!

I think Bakerstreet needs a blog.
on Sep 12, 2003
#66 by Aleatoric - 9/11/2003 4:22:37 PM

I forgot to say I agree mostly with what you said (errr wrote).

The Bible or other texts are guides with references. They are not to be read as word for word in some kind of literal way.

In any event I have thought about this myslef and I do believe it is a journey I hope all take. Right now my conclusion is that there is a force of thought that has created this existance. I just do not know what that means. This force can be intellegent or just un-knowing yet it holds all the rules and laws that we all fall under.

Where I am at right now is trying to theorize if that 'force' can be more like a rock as far as thinking is conserned or not...

One way or the other I don't think anyone can say there isn't a force because we exist inside of it full of laws, rules and possibilities.
on Sep 12, 2003
There is also a hypothesis (it's not really a religion, but more like a concept) that regards the planet Earth as a greater living organisms. They call "her" Gaia. Yhe idea is that just we, humans, are composed of millions of smaller organisms (cells) that as a whole make up what we are, Gaia would also be a greater being of which we, as well as other animals, plants, rocks, seas, etc, are just one components.

Here's an interesting read:
It's an exerpt from Peter Russel's book "The Global Brain Awakens".
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