Published on June 17, 2003 By grayhaze In WinCustomize Talk
Today I received the following e-mail from someone who shall remain nameless:

"Im using your dinksdx-blue skin for windwowsblinds and i think it is really awful.
i love the tab with the controlls for winamp. the buttons for next song etc are working, but it doesn't display the title of the song which is playing. did i overread something i have to do to activate them?"

I answered his question regardless of his bad manners, but I'm amazed that people like this are out there. What can the logic be in insulting someone's hard work and then asking for help in using it? >

For those people who are having this problem, make sure you have at least version 4.00c of WindowBlinds.
Comments (Page 5)
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on Jun 20, 2003
grayhaze - So the whole issue comes down to one thing - more constructive criticism, less abuse.

so, what we really need to do is to explain this to the new visitors to this site

easy to say, perhaps not so easy to do. this board does a good job of presenting a clear and simple policy on warez. i think we need an equally clear and simple guide (policy is to harsh a word) on comments.

it is very little use jumping up and down on people who know no better, simply because they have given a short and uninformative comment. that isn't going to help anyone.

leading by example should help. beyond that, anyone got any cunning suggestions?

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on Jun 20, 2003

I agree that anybody should be able to state his opinion. He should be free to say if he likes a skin or not.

However, this site has rules concerning language and insults. In the comment area, just as in this messageboard, personnal insults and foul language cannot be accepted.


- I don't like this skin
- I think it's ugly, sorry
- I don,t understand why this sin is so popular, it is poor quality IMO.

- You suck
- You're gay!
- This skin is fucking ugly

on Jun 20, 2003
I understand that those are the guidelines set by the admins here at the site paxx, but what do any of those 'OK' comments actually contribute toward the site or to the skin author? Some authors may like to have pages and pages of comments of that type, either positive or negative, under their skins, but what actual purpose do they serve?

One potential way to fix the whole problem would be to give a skin author the power to delete any comments from a particular skin that they don't feel deserve the space. This would probably eliminate the majority of negative comments from the site, but it wouldn't prevent those who want to give some constructive advice from doing so.
on Jun 20, 2003
There may be inane comments as the system now stands...and any objectionable comments can be deleted by Admins [and responded to]...but to enable the artist themselves to 'edit' comments would/could lead to a false reality of 'all my comments are so darn positive I must be leet'....not necessarily a 'good thing'[tm]...
on Jun 20, 2003
it is very little use jumping up and down on people who know no better, simply because they have given a short and uninformative comment. that isn't going to help anyone.

I do think the notion of guidelines is a good one and should be implemented. OTOH, the truly nasty comments (and I think that's been the focus here) are made by people who will blithely ignore such.

Whatever happened to the good, old-fashioned notion of being respectful. It seems odd, however true, that people need to be told how to behave with others. My age is showing.

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on Jun 20, 2003
Oh yes, Chef Garry...Unfortunately, this is so true. 'Nasty' comments are simply rude, unnecessary, unconstructive (as Grayhaze has so aptly pointed out), and quite honestly, ignorant. Negative versus nasty...BIG difference. Manners vs no-manners...BIG difference. Respectful vs simply disrespectful...constructive vs unconstructive, positive vs gets the point, I guess. Freedom of speech, yes...but 'abusive', no. Simply not necessary. Coming from an educational teaches 'freedom of speech and expression', but one also is (hopefully) teaching how to correctly deliver this expression in the most 'productive',respectful, intelligent and impactful manner,and that ignorant comments freely 'delivered' simply are NOT respected by the recipient(s)...nor do they particularly give the speaker any validation. Now, as one who no longer speaks as an educator, but simply as a supporter of this site, (financially and otherwise), I would also like to comment that in my humble opinion, the work involved in giving people this artwork FREELY does not deserve 'abusive' negative feedback. If one does not like some artwork and has no particular constructive criticism to offer, what exactly is the need to say anything at all? Freedom of ACTION here means that one does not have to USE the said piece of artwork. Period! I also agree with Grayhaze when he says that it seems to be an internet's easy to be 'brave & nasty' when you're not standing beside that person, looking them in the eyes. Does that make it right, or even 'ok'? Again , in my humble opinion, no. Maybe MY age is showing here, too, Chef Garry.
on Jun 22, 2003
# 52 Grayhaze
I think the users have things the wrong way round. They somehow feel that us skinners owe them something for the time they've taken to look at your work, when really it's they who owe something (if only a little respect) for the time we've taken to create something for them, regardless of the outcome.

With you saying that in truth its 'they' who owe something even if respect. That shows your level of thought! If I remember correctly, didn't Adni18 get bombarded with comments such as "Skinning should be done because you love it! You should do it for YOU!" That man was pounced for similar comments! Were's the pounce squad that reminds the artist that it should be done for YOU! Oh yeah that's right, different rules for different folks. My bad.

My hat is tipped to you for doing the skinning, it's not easy, I haven't finished my first and it's daunting as hell! However, though I have that level of respect for you work and talent--actually for you and ALL the skinners.
I don't have to agree with a great deal of the egotism that likes to fly around!


OK:- I don't like this skin- I think it's ugly, sorry- I don,t understand why this sin is so popular, it is poor quality IMO.

NOT OK:- You suck- You're gay!- This skin is fucking ugly

Who the heck is talking about such comments? I know I'm not. I would never say such things! This is going in a direction that I never mentioned. I'm simply saying a user/viewer has a right to say 'you work is ugly' without the ever so gentile artiste going into uproar and the drama scene; "What!? How? I....ME... Oh my god, I had this jerk citizen say that my stuff was ugly. Quick quick, someone, boost my ego FAST! I'm feeling whoozy here."

They don't need comments to feel they have done a good job, as the download figures go some way to measuring how well they've done, but nice comments add a little incentive to continuing their work. The outright negative comments serve no purpose whatsoever, other than to hurt the skinner and make them feel like it's not worth their time to create anything new.

That's all contradictory. In one breath your saying an artist doesn't need the comments to to know they've done a good job. While in another beath you say,a neg.comment is to hurt a skinner and make them feel it's not worth the time to make more.

So again, if we go back to the egotism thing. If a viewer see's it and likes it, that's great. But if a viewer see's it and think, "great functionality, but it's ugly wouldn't use it." and posts it such a statement, then it's to hurt the skinner! WOW!(Notice the examples I come with NEVER have foul language, and are not ill mannered. So let's not go the abuse thing)

I don't see why we should just sit back and accept non-constructive negative comments.

Aaaahhh but the "OMG this is so awesome", "I love this", "Great Job","you're the best dude" those are acceptable, constructive positive comments, that SERVE PURPOSE right?

Lady_Akasha bangs head on desk.

I see that this will go no where, I'm speaking to deaf ears.
Who knows maybe it's me, I'm delivering it wrong. I'm just trying to generally say that I think the egotism is a bit high around here. I think citizens/users are treated pretty shoddy. I've watched (read) them make mistakes, and even flat out behave inappropriately but rather than someone being 'intelligent' and handling it properly they pounce. And being that so many like to feel of the intellectually elite I'm not understanding something.

I AGREE that yes, good old fashioned respect and manners should ALWAYS be used, I'm not disputing that!!!!! But the whole if someone hates it why do they have to say it, is RIDICULOUS! Then what is the need for someone who loves to feel the need to say it! Think about it! It goes back to my original arguement, if something is great share the comments, if it's not then it's 'out to get the artist' motives. Holy Cow!

on Jun 22, 2003

I generally try to stay out of these kinds of discussions, but for what it's worth......... Lady Akasha, I'm pretty much in agreement with everything you've said.

And I'd like to add, when I get the "this sux" comment, I take it for what it's worth, (which is very little) and reply with something such as "oh geez, I was trying so hard to impress you with this one" 

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on Jun 22, 2003
Either I'm very tired or just downright dumb, but I honestly didn't understand the majority of what you were arguing about Lady Akasha. You took a few of my comments out of context and then argued about them on a tangent.

As I've said time and time again, I don't believe that the users do necessarily owe anything to us skinners, as the majority of the work we do is for ourselves. My point was that a large number of users think that we owe them something for taking time out to look at our work. This can be seen in the 'make this work differently' or 'change this now' comments and e-mails we get. They aren't suggestions on how to improve a skin, but rather outright demands for additional work to be done to create something to their individual tastes.

You also seem to have totally failed to grasp what I said about non-constructive comments not being a worthwhile thing. What I said applies both to positive and negative comments, but due to the very nature of the negative comments applies more so to them. It's always nice to have someone say 'thank you' or 'good job', and I'd be going against my whole respect and manners argument if I said otherwise, but there's no need whatsoever for a 'this sucks and WindowBlinds wiped my hard drive' comment. So yes, I am saying that positive comments serve more of a purpose than a non-constructive negative comment. I'm not sure how many other ways I can say that before you understand that I'm not stating a valid argument rather than skirting round some ego-based issue and 'contradicting myself'.

As I also said before, there's always going to be some amount of ego or pride involved in what we do. Can you honestly say that you wouldn't be a little upset if you spent weeks creating something exactly the way you wanted it to be, and then let other people take a look, only to be told that your work was worthless. In effect you're being told that your appreciation for quality in your own work is somehow flawed. Call me crazy, but I'm never likely to be overjoyed when someone tells me I have no talent after I've spent so long on something that I think is good. If that means I have an over-inflated ego and I'm full of myself then so be it. I think I'd rather that than be the kind of person who just shrugs and says 'yeah, you're right. I am talentless'.

I think I need to perhaps explain what I mean by a positive comment, a constructive negative comment and a non-constructive negative comment.

I would consider these positive comments:

'Excellent work!';
'I love this! I'm using it now.';
'Well done, you've surpassed yourself this time.';
'Thank you for giving this to us.'

As I said before, these are all welcome comments, even if they serve no purpose other than to encourage someone to keep producing new work. They add a little incentive and life to what would otherwise only be apparent from download figures.

These are constructive negative comments:

'I like this a lot, but some areas could use a little work. Have you tried using a darker shade of blue for the buttons, reducing the titlebar height, etc. etc.';
'This is good, but I sometimes find the titlebar buttons a little hard to see. I think if you made them larger the skin would be perfect.';
'I don't really like this as much as your other skins as I don't think the colour orange works in such large quantaties. Maybe if you redid it in green?';
'This is quite poor, and could use work in so many areas. Here's what I'd change: etc. etc.'

As you can see, I consider anything with suggestions for improvements to be a constructive negative comment regardless of how 'nice' they are about my work. Perhaps this is wrong of me, but it doesn't mean that I think any less of the comments. I have a lot of respect for people who are able to give advice in this way, and I often act on suggestions like those above. Maybe some of them I should call 'mixed' comments, as they often contain the kind of praise you would see in a positive comment. These kind of comments I welcome, and seldom get hurt over.

Now for the negatives:

'This sucks';
'What is this crap?';
'Just as lame as all your other stuff';
'Why bother?';
'WindowBlinds sucks ass. I use msstyles';
'This broke my computer. Don't download it';

Are you starting to understand my point now? I really hope so, as my fingers are tired and my vocabulary is nearly exhausted...

I just want you to understand, Lady Akasha, that I'm not some self-obsessed egomaniacal tantrum-thrower who only ever wants people to tell him they love his work. If you hate my work, then by all means say so, but tell me why. Otherwise you're only wasting my time and yours, and creating the potential for ill-feeling in the process.

Finally, in response to Koasati, you may well take a 'this sux' comment for what it's worth, but for a first-time skinner who is really proud of what he's produced and sits there eagerly awaiting the thoughts of others, such a comment is a lot more likely to cause upset. With experience comes tolerance, and to be honest such a comment wouldn't phase me one bit. If they told me my work sucked and then asked me to do them a personalised version in red... well that's a whole other story.
on Jun 22, 2003
Now see what you made me do. I ran out of words.
on Jun 22, 2003
Ok now I feel whoozy! Dang it my tendonitis is acting up (Just joshing)

Grayhaze I seriously think that in several areas of this discussion we were just not 'getting' one another. Because in your last post I'm reading it and thinking on a lot of it--I AGREE! And I haven't neccessarily been DISagreeing 'that' much. My point at the BEGINNING was not neccessarily directed towards you persay. I said it several times, it's a more general expression on that subject of your email and artists. It wasn't meant to be "Grayhaze is a egomaniac!" I was simply trying to point that there is such an 'air' around here for the last several months.

And that yes, I do feel that sometimes when you get a negative feedback (especially when you're not expecting it) can be damned humbling! That's it ...that's all. And as I mentioned earlier, I was simply saying that from my experience, it can be humbling. I had a neg comment over at DA--never saw it coming, never expected (EGO!?!?) then when I read it, I about fell out of my chair, it wasn't foul but darn blunt. After licking my wounds, I suddenly felt HUMBLE! I opened the design and looked at it and looked at it,and after a while I thought... "I do see it". For me, it humbled me, and grounded me. That's why I said it's not such a bad thing to get a bad statement sometimes. And I stand by that belief. When we artistes get on a 'good roll' with our works, everything's a hit, great comments etc etc we can get a lil big for a britches. Then something neg comes along, and we remember we always have somewhere to improve. That's all. I don't see what so bad about that?

I'd rather be the kind of person that when I do get a negative feedback (and I'm not talking ones like you mentioned. DIE DIE DIE.) Even if its something like "this really sucks--whats such a big deal". After feeling the icky feeling & you get over such a comment, then say Ok...what could have been better. It makes you look deeper. I'm glad I'm not the kind of person that just pats the lil guy on the head say, poor lil idiot. Because if I go back, and find where I could have made something better--sure enough I WILL find SOMETHING. And then have learned something from it, which in the end will make me better at what I love to do so much. That's just me though. (I hope that made sense)

Now for the negatives:'This sucks';'What is this crap?';'Just as lame as all your other stuff';'Why bother?';'WindowBlinds sucks ass. I use msstyles';'This broke my computer. Don't download it';'DIE DIE DIE!!'

Now there you made me die laughing! If someone leaves a comment like DIE! DIE! DIE! They really need help And again I DO AGREE WITH YOU!

Before I go back to making a new design I just want to add one more time, I did NOT mean my statements neccessarily about YOU, it was on that subject about artists in general. And the air around here. Sorry if people don't like that. I'm not the only one that's felt that way and I don't think anyone should feel like, they have to have a certain egomaniacal outlook to survive at WC. And I know that last statement will piss a person or two off, but oh well. It's the truth. (suddenly hearing Jack Nicholson in my head. "Truth? You can't handle the truth!" sorry, I get goofy at times)

I may not have made my point well, was misunderstood, and I didn't 'get' your expression as well at times obviously. On that note, I'm headed back to my making something
on Jun 22, 2003
Erm, well how about the comments for this new skin?

(I must admit KCcat's comments made me )

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[Message Edited]
on Jun 22, 2003

holy shit.. by m0rphium - 6/22/2003 2:38:09 AM

now that one cracked me up!
on Jun 22, 2003
Yes, me too.

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on Jun 22, 2003 may have 'cracked you up'....but I would put that one in the 'less than productive' pile....and a copy of it in the 'not appropriate language' it's gone.

Also, it seems this particular work's comments are a contest for being eloquent with negativity at the artist's expense.....quite a mature game, really...

It isn't appropriate to single out a particular work [of whatever 'quality'] to be spotlighted in a public forum thread such as this one.


The problem with negativity in comments on a person's work is that not everyone reacts exactly the same way to derisive attack.

Some 'may' find it 'humbling' or even 'enlightening'....some may not actually 'give a toss' what sort of comment they get, good or bad....and others may just feel so humiliated and demoralized that they leave, never to return.

Because the 'community' here is comprised of all of these 'types', there is a necessity to moderate the language [in particular] and personal attack/insult in general, inherent in many works' comments that the commenter has imagined were 'brilliantly clever' and [God forbid] protected ABSOLUTELY by 'Freedom Of Speech'.

They are not, and serve no better purpose than to clarify in articulate fashion exactly how poor the commenters' social skills really are.

The indictment is on the commenter, not the work....

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